
Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Am flattered that the Economic Times took a passing interest in me and my little book, though we don't really belong in that article. The article makes it sound as if my blogging had anything to do with the publishing of the book, which is not quite true. When I wrote those poems, and put the book together with Gynelle's help, I was not yet a blogger. When we handed it over to the publisher, I was not a blogger; and when we signed the contract finally, I seriously doubt that the publisher even knew of my blog.

And oh, I did not write a 'book on poetry'. I wrote some poems. There is a difference.

That aside, a bit of good news that I'd been wanting to share for a while. I got my first royalty cheque a couple of months ago. It isn't much, but makes me very happy for two reasons. One, that it was my first royalty cheque. Two, judging by the number of books sold already, and based on my estimates of how much it costs to print a book of that size, I am reasonably certain that the book is not a loss-making venture. There are overheads, of course, but we (me and Gynelle) had worked to ensure that the text and illustrations went to the publisher as 'ready' as possible - she did the design; I did the proofing. So far as I know, the publisher didn't incur any other cost, barring printing and distributing.

So, while this tiny bunch of poems isn't going to make anyone rich, it will bring in a very, very small profit. Actually!

So, for godssake, will everybody stop saying now that poetry does not sell?

And for those who want to know, the book is available in several bookstores, especially Landmark. It also seems to be available abroad for anywhere between $4 and $8, even more in pounds (don't ask; have no clue why). Here, here, here and here.


  1. >So, for godssake, will everybody stop saying now that poetry does not sell?

    Must poetry thus bow its head at the altar of commerce?

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM



    readers... LOL! I don't think it did. The comment is intended for those who thought it should. I think...

  3. Congrats on your book.
    I wound up here, somehow. Glad I did. A friend of mine just launched a poetry book of her own, and the sheer number of authors and publishers we spoke to that told us poetry didn't sell was than a bit of a blow to her drive. I'm glad to say that the girl had it in her to get that book out there, and we visited individual bookstores all around Delhi ourselves to get it stocked.

    Of course, While an immensely supportive friend, I haven't been the most responsible one. I still haven't been able to take the time to go to her grandma's place and pick up my copy of the book.

  4. heyy!! first royalty cheque ... thats good news. congrats!

  5. Anonymous10:09 AM

    congrats:). great news:)

  6. Congratulations !! Doesn't it feel good ?

    Keep writing.
