
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Have had a delightful time at Kalaghoda. Since I spent very busy eight days there, attending workshops, sitting on panels, listening to panel discussions, drinking far too much tea and coffee, hanging out with friends (many of them from Delhi, actually), eating toast sandwiches and drinking sugarcane juice off the streets, commuting, and helping with the contests, my mind is one big blur. The festival blog, however, has a lot about what was going on, both in prose and photos.

In the last post, I had linked to some contests. Here is a set of links to those who made it to the final shortlist (I'm simply copy-pasting from the Caferati site). Go read.

Flash Fiction -

SMS Poetry -

Flash Essay -

Poetry Slam -


Here are the winners:

Flash Fiction -

SMS Poetry -

Flash Essay -

The Poetry Slam final was a live event, and we don't have recordings, alas. The top 3: 1. Mukul Chadda, 2. Tarun Durga, 3. Arka Mukhophadyay)

We also had an Open Book Pitch, where people could submit sample manuscripts and publishers would dip into them and express interest, if they felt any. Happily, at least one-fourth of those who pitched attracted some publisher's eye. You could go look at that list, here:

Congratulations, winners. And may many more of you win, in the future.

1 comment:

  1. The literature festival at Kala Ghoda was a commendable effort.

    Hats off to the band who kept the literature wagon rolling at KGAF.

    The bar got raised, for sure.
