
Friday, July 04, 2008

Offered without comment, a bit from Salman Khan's blog:

When I return home from shooting everyday, as a routine, I first spend time with my two champions, whom I’ve named Myson and Myjaan. They are my life and I am passionate about them. While I do not humanize them I dislike referring to them as dogs or my pets. This is because they are a part of me, my family and they share my every joy and sorrow. They understand me completely and there is such a big bond, such a rapport that I share with them that it moves me beyond words. The best time whenever I get a Sunday off is the time I spend being with them. Myjaan is far smarter and naughtier than Myson, she always insists I pet her first and creates a big fuss if I get to Myson before her. They are also my sounding boards, they ground me and help me to think.

When I go on long outdoor stints and cannot take them with me, I speak to them on the phone. I have an amplifier system installed at home, so that they can hear me loud and clear…and I can feel them close with the sounds that they make. (emphasis mine). My domestic staff tells me that they recognize my voice and respond to it.

Hmm. Well, I had heard of people doing weird things like trying to make babies coo into phones before they can speak. Who knows... some day, when I have a dog of my own....


  1. Hey!

    Lovely, lovely post! :) I've always sort of liked Salman but he does have a thing for exaggeration! But then, I haven't ever had a pet, so it's unfair to comment. Maybe true love is like that.

    And it's just too much fun to read the comments to his posts. Hilarious! :)

  2. Anonymous9:10 PM

    cute... every time i travel, my folks put me on the speaker phone to talk to my dog. they tell me that she feels better after hearing my voice.... i shan't tell them about the amplifier :)

  3. Every dog has its day, but those 2 seem to have a day every day . Lucky dawgs.

  4. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Sounding boards!!! Guess they are responsible for his choice of films too:):)

  5. well...while the focus is on the dogs...think of this, most men like dabling in electronic stuff...hooking up an amthe phone to a speaker system sounds totally in that league

    heck i've got vague electronic stuff that i never have used beyond the first time

    p.s. this is a nice idea come to think of it...should try this on my lil daughter!! hehe

  6. big bond he says huh...?

  7. Celebrity blogs can be so entertaining or irritating, depending on how you look at them!

  8. so true....hmm....why do celebs start blogs? I'm not saying they shouldn't, but what's THEIR objective?
    and the dogs...well...hmm...

  9. well some parents do use walkie talkie thingys to keep an ear on the baby - since they are bound to cry when they wake.
    (now please dont hrl brix at me for k-9-ising babies: )

  10. You know it isn't weird at all... like if I am away and I know they are going to be missing me I call home and somebody let's them hear my voice, they react- dogs are very expressive, like little babies.
