
Monday, February 16, 2009

New means, new genre

So, here's some of what has kept me busy over the last few months. Incidentally, the article misquotes me slightly. What I said was that I hadn't written poetry for six months, but I was working on other kinds of fiction and non-fiction. Also, this is technically not the first play I've written. But it is the first full-length one written entirely in English.

I didn't win eventually, but the shortlist brings some reassurance. Perhaps, I'm doing what I should be doing, after all.


  1. Congratulations on having made it to the shortlist!just discovered you a few weeks back and didnt know you were a writer:)
    Keep writing:)

  2. Good you made it that far! Your play sounds powerful. A subject close to my heart. Hope you can put it on soon.

  3. I second Banno; I really hope we all get to read it soon. Incidently, is there any place where one can read your poetry? I'm particularly moved by one that you read at the PEN poetry relay at KGAF '09..I don't remember the title, sorry, but I do remember some lines- "I come from the hips of beautiful women/ stain hair/ hennaed hands" and I think the last line was "I was born". Writers like you are such an inspiration for aspiring writers like me.

  4. Congratulations! When/where can we get to read/watch your play?
    It sounds most interesting.

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Leander Paes won a Bronze medal (not Gold) at the Olympics & came back a hero.
    In the Singles world, he will always be remembered for his Olympic Bronze.
    Only later did he rack up numerous doubles titles.

    This is but the first step.

    Amitabh Bachchan? Rejected by AIR for having too deep a baritone?
    Then Saat Hindustani? Reshma aur Shera? And others...?

    THEN he became AMITABH BACHCHAN!!!

    You've only started out. You too will be the Amitabh Bachchan of Indian Writing!!!
