
Monday, May 04, 2015

A new anthology is out

For over three years now, I have been looking for and reading Indian women writers across genres as part of my research for a new anthology, which is now out as 'Unbound'. Here's the cover and (below) some links to interviewswhere I try and explain the processes, choices and motivations that drove me as I put together this manuscript.

From a piece about the book in the Bangalore Mirror:

"It was also important to challenge the way 'Indian' women are represented in popular culture. Motherhood is a minefield. Food is life itself. It is very boring to think of women and food only in one framework: woman preparing food at home. It is also an inaccurate portrait. I wanted to present a more authentic collage through the extracts I chose"

From an interview with Verve magazine:

8. Which are some contemporary female writers you admire?
“Oh, many, many, many! You will note that about half of the writers included in the book are indeed contemporary writers. I have, however, left out very ‘new’ writers – those who’ve started getting published only in the last 8 to ten years. This was a conscious decision because, sometimes, you are blown away by a new book but within a year, the new voice is already fading from your consciousness. Substance has to be balanced against style. A work may or may not have lasting value, but it is difficult to judge that in the short term. In my (limited) experience, it takes a distance of at least 10 years for me to be able to judge a piece of writing in isolation, to look at it against its own light, not against the light of all the other writing that surrounds it.”


  1. Can you put it up on amazon so that I can buy it?


  2. Thanks for your interested , and many thanks for your contribution to a bertter world, thanks for your creativity, for your intellegence and for your courage....thanks in my name , in the name of all iinvolved at this absurd, uthopic and fascinant project, thanks in the name of United Nations ( U.N. ) , and many thanks in the name of millions womens,girls and childs arround the world, you are an inspiration and example for us , and for them....

    Wellcome to he biggest net of activist for change the world, and the most global fith columne, the all countries,international institutions, religions institutions, governments administrations, think-tanks, finance world,univeristies, NGOS, foundations, human rights associattions, womens nationals federations, multinationals the all sectors, knowledges centres of each area, and particulars the all sexual, social and policy condition, sex, age, religion confession, ethic, philosophy, ethnic...

    You have a power, and this is well , but is a responsability too, the responsability of export your knowledges, creativity, intelligence, sensibility,empathy and resources at all you can trough an altruist way.

    The United Nations ( U.N. ) & UN WOMEN ; " Change The World Programme "

    IT IS WOMAN...S.T.U.P.Y.D.S,..!! Not is economy,policy,religions,finance world,culture,education,arts,science,love,sex or fall in love.

    WOMEN WORLDWIDE SPRING REVOLUTION 2015 ; The last humanity re-evolution for change world and STOP stupyds MEN wars,MEN econony, MEN policies, MEN religions, MEN education, MEN culture, MEN science, MEN communication, MEN journalism, MEN sports, MEN sense life, MEN relationships, MEN bussines, MEN press, MEN love, MEN sex and MEN fall in love.

    I AM...........F.E.M.i.N.i.S.T......!!! UN WOMEN world campaign....

    Kiss of love , or french kiss for the true way of relation ourself, others, world, espiritual,earth, space, love, sex or fall in love.

    .........remenber your bravery.....and make poesy........!!

    We will sent you at soon possible, the complete programme , and all involucrated arround the world, down we let a blog , where you can view the first part....., check and if you all right , add your means, ideas, senses and write,make music, film, theather, videogames, press,journalism, innovation, emotional, all sciences-POESY, share in your community work, area, family this message, the blog and the compkete project.
    you can do it , only make it with passion, emotion,with expeditive, genuine, original, , dont make it the belive or think, try to translate how you sense, , let your mind free, and make it with tears, with fun, with sense, with horror, with you.....and the theme is " Change World " or THE LIFE.....AND ......YOU .

    Change world is an attitude, not is laws, not is norms, not is policy, change world is an fall in love sense, not light or cursi sense.and the first is STOP wars, human traffick, ablacttion, rapes, killied womans, girls and childs,prostituion, and all of the MENS make at womens in all cultures, not is policy,culture,race,democrazy,education,...and all mens arround the world are guilty for make it , for silence, and for cowardice, and all we are guiltys, and in the name of all mens , i am sorry at all women i know, and all womens dont know, and now is possible start change world.

    Millions womens , girls and childs arround the world are look you, and are waiting for your courage, be them voice....

    remenber your old bravery....spread the world ...and maie poesy...

    Now is the time, the new age is coming, the age of womens sense, the new woman, the it the time for change this crazy and fight for the new future.......cowardice not is an option way of life....of sense , of love of work....

    Fernando Real

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