Finally, it's out there.
Update: It is definitely available in Landmark bookstore, Gurgaon (and in Chennai and Mumbai, I hear). I spotted it, unfortunately, under 'Quotations', right next to 'Psychology', instead of in the poetry section. It made me fret, but I felt foolish about fretting personally, so got a cousin to get the shop assistants to correct the mistake. But in case anybody goes there and can't find the book under 'poetry', you know where to look.
Congratulations. Must get.
go girl!
That's super-awesome :)
Now i know two friends who're published poets :P
I'll certainly look out for it and the cover looks GREAT!
Biiiiig Hug to you :)
That's wonderful, Annie. Congratulations!
Now about business!
Is it out in the bookshops, so that I can buy it?
congrats :)
Congratulations! You must be very proud of yourself! Good luck with everything.
Congratulations! Where can one buy a copy?
And to carry on the refrain, where can one get a copy?
Oh you shouldn't have done this for ur love of me. :)
Congrats!!!again and again and again..Psssttt.. tis me
Congratulations !!!
Congratulations. Will check it up fer sure. cheers :)
thank you, thank you, all.
The book should be out in stores. If it isn't, place an order and assure the bookstore people that all orders will be bought off :)
PS - anonymous: let's see your face first.
great.. congratulations! i'll try and find it in a store - who's the publisher?
annie, such fun! congrats! who's the publisher? will tell local book store to put copies.
congratulations.. and now we can lay claim to having studied with the author :) thank you!!!!
...i will use it in my workshop! and then tell intimate anecdotes involving the author!
kuffir: publisher is jaico. it should be out in stores now.
space bar: yes, yes. please do.
mad momma: :)
smriti: thank you. but don't you dare!
Congrats Annie!
Wow! man, is this cool! CONGRATS!
The cover looks great too.
Can I ask when it'll be available in bangalore?
So far, I have been seeing only praise from friends. Some balanced comments are surely needed.
Perhaps someone could review the book.
Obviously there are some enthusiastic readers/friends, any taker?
CONGRATULATIONS! That's FANTASTIC. Hope it does incredibly well.
Have found a review at http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=816534&confid=1199. I get a perception of the writing ...
There is an aspect when the love (at one level) exceeds and enhances you and simultaneously (at another level) 'defines' you more clearly (it makes you more 'you'). It is a kind of dance between the micro- and the macrocosm, e.g., classic 'nataraj' posture that is static yet points to the dynamic.
Such are the words for describing love (boy, Wittgenstein would have had a field day over this) ...
> ... boy, Wittgenstein would have had a field day over this
I guess that is unknown turf.
hey. congratulations!
i finally made it to madras'landmark yesterday; and your book was safely tucked into the poetry section :)
nice work, here's to many more!
mmhmmm....so my sister is just getting more n more famous ...ahan...well its all well deserved!!
was i the first to read and give my reviews on the blog??
Anyway, once again...CHEERS TO ANNIE!! wonderful book girl...its touching...its real...every reader can relate to it...simple language used and yes for you Gynelle....simply superb illustrations....the way the illustrations have been matched with words...it just makes your imagination simpler...!
that was my little way of sharing my reviews of this 'love-ly' book! n oh...did I forget to mention taht this book of 50 love poems is absolutely aptly titled!!
Great going girl!! So Proud of you!!
Lov u! Hope to see you soon :-)
@nzz Thanks for taking my comment seriously.
Congratulations:) is there any way i can order it online?
Congratulations. Your poems as well as fiction in an anthology - Bravo. Is there a way to order these books online?
thank you, thank you, people.
raza: as far as I know, they're both available online through the publishers' respective websites. Jaico, unfortunately, requires a draft payment. But you could try.
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